"The future of this winter’s ice fishing season depends on where, and how much snow accumulates as this winter storm runs its course. You don’t need me to tell you that some areas, the Northeast region for example have already been hit hard, while others have temporarily been spared.
Winnibigoshish and the immediate area was spared from any massive snowfall on Wednesday, by days end there was about 4 inches of new snow on the ice, that’s the good news. But there’s another round of heavy snow falling right now and there’s more in the forecast later today too, so the suspense isn’t over yet.
I’m reading the NOAA forecast and if their assessment is correct, there could be upwards of 15 inches of fresh snow on the ice before it’s over. Worst case scenario, there will be certain areas of the lake that are unsafe for travel, even treacherous in select spots. Best case scenario, the lake doesn’t get as much snow as predicted and the resorts and rental operators have time to get roads plowed in time for the next cold snap to work its magic on the ice. Speculating about that is pointless, let’s just give Mother Nature 48 hours to show her hand and then we’ll take another look.
While we wait, here are the most recent updates and contributions to the Lake Winnie access map. Plans may change after the storm passes, so be sure to double check with resorts before showing up on their doorsteps, it might save you some trouble along the way." — Jeff Sundin 218-245-9858 or EMAIL
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"The most recent reports coming in from Lake Winnie area resorts and ice anglers offer encouragement. Some resorts are open for ice fishing already, others will be very soon, and all of them have high hopes that their guests will enjoy an ice fishing season equal to the 2022 open water fishing season.
By now, you've likely become accustomed to seeing the accompanying map with numbered descriptions. It identifies the access points around the lake and lets you know where and when you can ..." Learn More >> Lake Winnibigoshish Ice Access Report December 5, 2022
We might be rolling toward the end of the “hot walleye bite” on Lake Winnibigoshish, but the end isn't here just yet. By all accounts, the weekend was both busy and productive on the big lake. Cutfoot Sioux, possibly nearing its peak of fishing traffic, has been kicking out more walleyes recently as well.
Water temperatures on the big lake held steady at 55 degrees on Saturday. Water temperatures in Cutfoot were more varied, warmer over the “deep” mid lake territory, but colder in back bays and shallow areas. The range overall was wide, varying from 49 degrees to 57 degrees depending on the locations. In my mind, these temperatures are close to the “minimum” in terms of how reliable the daytime fishing action will be.
I was wrapping up a 3-day stint with my crew on Saturday and harvesting walleyes was not a concern. What we hoped to do was to CPR some larger fish, so instead of playing it safe, I tracked the edges of some mid-lake bars that have been known for producing larger walleyes over the years. Moses Bar, Horseshoe Bar, Big Musky, and others got a perusal from us. There were at least some fish holding on all of them, but all were lacking the numbers that can be found in shallow water. In terms of the best average size “keepers” I thought Moses Bar offered the highest potential of the areas I checked, we caught some chunky 16 to 17 inch fish there.
As you can see in the photos, we did get a couple of larger fish and during that time, the action was good too. In fact, at mid-afternoon, it felt like the bite was ramping up when the crew announced that their time to end the trip had arrived. Ending both too early and too abruptly for me, I called in reinforcements to help extend my fishing day. The Hippie Chick, along with our yellow lab Sandy, drove over to meet me for a late afternoon excursion.
We didn’t need to harvest any fish either, so we didn’t. But we did fish long enough to catch what could have been our limits if we’d wanted to capture them. The odd thing was that as the bite intensified, the average size of the fish declined. At 14.5 to 15.5 inches, the fish we caught during the afternoon were all easily identifiable as being from the 2019-year class. Earlier in the day, when the bite was slower, fish sizes were all over the map, ranging from 10 inches up to 24 inches.
Anecdotally, that supports a theory held by one of my friends that your best odds for catching larger fish occur when the bite is “off”. If they’re biting too good, the larger fish can’t beat the smaller ones to your lures, he thinks. The large fish got large because they eat more, he believes. So, when nothing else seems to be biting, the larger fish will grab a bite any time they get the chance. The theory is a hard one to prove because of all the variables, but I have to say that I do see some correlations.
We fished jigs and minnows all 3 days of the fishing trip. For minnows, I’ve used the largest size fatheads I could find, some of them had been hand sorted and saved at home in anticipation of this trip. There are rainbows on the market these days too and they’d be a good option too. At a couple of bait shops, golden shiners pop up from time to time these days as well, and some folks like them. Personally, I can do without the goldies, I feel like I’m better off with big fatheads, but that is your call.
The ¼ ounce Lindy Live Bait Jigs we used in the deeper water worked perfectly. In water depths of 14 to 18 feet, the weeds, Starry Stonewort in particular, are still green and fairly easy to navigate through. In the shallows though, they are dying off and have become soft and mushy. Even the 1/16-ounce size jigs we used in shallow water were hard to keep clean. Using a vertical hop-drop-hop-drop jigging style helps. Avoid dragging, or horizontal jigging approaches, unless you like clearing dead weeds off your lures, that is.
Anglers around the lake are catching fish on the flats too. Tamarack Bay, Bowens Flats, Little Stony, The Bird Houses, The Mississippi River Bar and Sugar Bay are all producing walleyes. Some of the flats have been producing both perch and pike as well, and I’m hoping to find some of those to produce a mixed-bag today. Key water depths on the flats depends on weather conditions at the moment, but figure on 6 to 10 feet of water and you'll be in the ballpark.
Like figuring out the stock market, picking the exact bottom isn’t easy, but the dip between 55 degrees and 52 degrees is nerve-racking for me. These are the days that I start worrying at the end of every fishing charter. The fretting starts about as soon as I leave the lake and doesn’t end until my customers start catching fish the next day. So naturally, I’m concerned again this morning, hoping that the surface water stayed warm enough overnight to keep the bite going.
I’m not at the finish line yet, but in terms of walleye fishing on Winnie, this could very well be the last date. From here on out I have crappies in mind, and when I do fish walleyes, it will be on lakes located closer to Grand Rapids. So, if I can make one more good day of it, the Lake Winnie walleyes will be safe from me for a good long while.
You still fishing or did you put the boat away? Let us know what you’re up to out there, your comments are always appreciated! — Jeff Sundin 218-245-9858 or EMAIL
Saturday morning is ordinarily the time for me to skip the report and get a few extra hours of sleep before going to work. There’s an added sense of urgency today though because of the seasonal changes, today’s information has a shorter-than-usual shelf life. So in my mind, following up on yesterday’s report, along with answering this reader question about the timing of his upcoming fishing trip have moved up a notch on my priority scale.
Let’s start with this, walleye activity remained strong despite the arrival of strong north winds that blew in the hard cold front that I wrote about yesterday, Friday October 7, 2022. Surface temperatures were down 4 to 5 degrees, registering 55.0 to 56 degrees on my Humminbird. While that temperature dip did represent a reason for concern, it did not send me the emergency signal that we’d reached the next phase of the fall turnover process.
Conditions on the lake were greatly improved compared to Friday. There was a light chop on the surface, the sky was mostly overcast, and boat control was easy. That allowed me to take a nice long run up the east side of Winnie, scanning the breakline for schools of fish as we traveled. It took a little while to mark many fish, but within 15 minutes I did spot a school that were riding high above the edge of the steep shoreline break into deep water, they were at 15 to 16 feet deep.
Lindy Live Bait Jigs, ¼ ounce size, Glow-Blue, Glow-Perch and Chartreuse Yellow were the 3 color choices offered to my crew. Each of those was tipped with large fathead minnows, ones that I have been hand sorting and babysitting in my garage for a couple weeks now. My advice to the crew, get the jigs near bottom and fish them with a light hop-drop-hop-drop motion, “it’s actually more of a twitch, than the sharper, hard snap jigging style that we’ve often used in shallow, choppier water.” I advised.
It did not happen instantly, but before long, they’d seen a few “example catches” and the tutorials that accompany them. Then as each of them dialed in their own, personalized jigging styles, the action started picking up. It wasn’t that long before the livewell began filling up and without ever travelling more than a few miles, they’d reached their 3-man limits of walleyes. That was by about 1:30, a vast improvement over the catch rate we experienced on Thursday.
Our next intention was to find some perch, so we left the east side of the lake and headed west; that’s where most of the better perch activity has occurred recently. On the trip over, I noted that there were a lot more people on the lake than we’d realized. Anglers were grouped up at Little Stony Point, “the bird houses” and near the Mississippi River mouth. One of them turned out to be a fellow guide and in a phone call, advised me that they’d been catching walleyes there, but not many perch.
Other boats in the area appeared to be catching walleyes too, I saw several nets enter the water, but never got close enough to see any of the fish firsthand. Later that evening, I talked with another friend and fellow guide who confirmed that there were indeed walleyes being caught not just over there, but elsewhere on the lake too. Tamarack Bay, Bowen’s Flats, the northern stretch of the Mississippi River channel and along the north shore were all mentioned as productive spots.
For the first time in a while, Cutfoot Sioux was mentioned as a primary, and productive walleye destination. The action there has been slow to start this fall, in fact it’s been sluggish and spotty everywhere on the north side. So, for folks who are accustomed to the north end of the lakes being the epicenter of fall walleye activity, this is very good news.
Back to our search for a perch, we did find some, but not right away. After drifting around for a while on the weedy flat in 7 to 8 feet of water, I stumbled into a small pack of active fish. For a time, the action turned fast and furious, but the school of fish dissipated, and we decided to call it a day and head back to the resort for our dinnertime fish fry. — Jeff Sundin 218-245-9858 or EMAIL
Reader Q&A: Obviously, the fish were still biting yesterday, but how long will it last and what happens later, after the slow-down occurs? That’s the theme of this question Steve Lewis who wrote, “Hi Jeff, Thanks so much for continuing to fish and report late into the season! I am coming up to Winnie starting next week. Reading your fall turnover report, it makes me wonder, am I coming up too late to have decent walleye fishing? I pushed out later this year because last year was so warm in the fall and wanted a true colder weather experience. Now second guessing. At any rate might see you out there next week!”
Steve, timing any fishing trip for absolute peak of the fall walleye runs is always tricky and I think you’re right, last year, the warmer weather did linger longer than usual. I have learned though that no matter what, every season is different. Seasonal trends do ..." Read >> October 8, 2022 Q&A "Is My Timing Off For Winnie Walleye Fall Trip?"
58.5 degrees has been the most common surface water temperature in Tamarack Bay over the past several days. That temperature is already ideal for fall fishing but when you add that to a period of stable weather with prevailing south winds, the outcome is awesome fishing.
Walleye anglers have not been forced to travel far to find good fishing. Follow the channel formed by the Mississippi River into the middle-section of Tamarack Bay and sooner or later, you’ll encounter a school of fish. You can travel further if you want to, but odds are that you’ll be driving past some really nice fish on your journey.
The key fishing depth range for walleyes varies depending on the breeze and cloud conditions, there are 3 good average working ranges. The breakline from 6 to 8 feet is great when the wind is strong, or at dusk and dawn when walleyes are feeding heavily. Calm water sends them deeper, then the 10-to-12-foot break might be better. If the calm conditions are extreme and paired with bright sunshine, focus on the 12-to-20-foot range.
Some folks are still catching fish by trolling either crankbaits or spinners. However jigs and minnows not only account for most of the walleye catch, but our guests have also jigged up some chunky pike and jumbo perch. The shallow breakline is weedy, so 1/16-ounce jigs are a good idea, 1/8 ounce will work too but remember to use a more vertical hop and drop jigging style. This jigging style works better when drifting, but, when necessary, can be worked in slow-trolling patterns as well.
We’ve been lucky, despite stories of minnow shortages around the region, our local suppliers have worked hard to have better than average bait. The availability of good size fatheads is reliable and there are now nice rainbows on hand too. The “river mix” is a combination of several minnow species and can be used by anglers who like to cover all their bases. In it, there are minnows suitable for jigging, but also some of the larger minnow varieties that can be adapted to Lindy Rigging as well. Live bait rigging with the larger minnows is not only effective for walleyes, but during fall, can be deadly on the lake’s larger size northern pike.
Jumbo Perch are a bit tougher to come by right here in the bay, but do show up in the mix occasionally. Anglers bent on catching them in larger numbers can still find them within reasonable traveling distances. There are areas along the north shore, west shore and down on the south end of the lake which are producing perch in good numbers now. Cutfoot Sioux also offers some pockets where good perch action can be found.
No matter where you take your search, watch for weeds growing in the 6 to 10 foot range. Low lying grasses hold tons of 1- to 2-inch-long perch and that has been the primary food source for perch. Yesterday, one of the anglers cleaned some perch that contained tiny panfish, crappies most likely. Those small panfish spent the summer living in shallow weeds but are now forced out into deeper water where the perch can find them. So, when searching for perch, keep an eye open for shoreline areas that lay adjacent to large expanses of “back-water” bays and inlets.
Jigs and minnows tipped with medium size fatheads is the mainstay presentation. Alternatives like live bait rigs work too, especially when perch are located in deeper, 8 to 12 foot patches of vegetation.
Crappies always get a lot of attention in the fall, and this year is no different. While some anglers are finding them, some are not, and then there are those who find them, but discover that most of them are small, too small for harvest. Cutfoot Sioux, Little Cutfoot and to a lesser extent, Big Winnie are not the only lakes affected. It’s a re-building period for crappies, and the phenomenon appears to be widespread. Numerous lakes now have crappie populations that consist of small, 6-to-8-inch fish that were born 5 to 6 years ago. Whatever remains of the “adult” fish populations in these lakes can be found in the mix and that’s why some anglers do still encounter some of the larger size fish. The good old days are coming, but it might be another season or two before the impact becomes apparent.
Pike start moving shallow during fall to take advantage of the fall spawning Tullibees. So far, no mass movements have been noted, but there are some early signals that migrations might begin soon. Duck hunters, set up in the dark have observed a few tullibees in shallow bulrush patches and along the shallow shoreline breaks. Once the tullibees begin spawning in big numbers, the larger pike, musky too for that matter, will not be far away.
For now, most folks will catch enough pike on jigs or spinners while the fish for walleyes. But trophy hunters should prepare for the upcoming feeding binge by getting some large, shallow diving cranks and jerkbaits ready. Alternatively, larger live minnows suspended below slip-floats, or slow-trolled on live bait rigs are effective too. Also popular are spinnerbaits, ½ to ¾ ounce tandem blade models cast and retrieved in and near any shoreline cover that lays adjacent to gravel of rock patches.
Today we've focused on fall fishing, and we still will be for a while. But it won’t be that long before the hardwater fishing season is upon us and now is the time to make your plans. Call us today so we can check the reservation books and let you know which dates we have available for lodging, and ice shelter rentals.
Remember too, that when the winds get colder and you need a break from the lake, there’s warm food waiting for you, right here in the lodge. — Chad & Melissa Mertz The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552
"I recently went on a stroll down memory lane with my dad as we waded our way along an old winding creek. Dad’s name is Ricky Baker, but it don’t much feel right calling him that, so we’ll stick with dad whenever I reference him or one of his stories throughout this piece.
Dad decided to bring with him just a handful of antique lures, though he’s probably accumulated a half-million dollars worth of tackle since he first started fishing in the 60s. Nostalgia has a funny way of tugging on the heart strings of a man though and it’s had him yearning to put these old plugs to the test again lately.
So we set out down the creek with another buddy. As dad wound up to make his first cast, the muscle memory kicked in while his mind was otherwise occupied by the rush of a dozen old memories. Dad’s eyes lit up as he was transported back through time to throwing some of these lures for the first time in his boyhood… the highs, lows and hijinks of it all came rushing back with ..." Read More >> Never Forget the Simplicity of Fishing
"The cold water has not affected walleye temperament, by all accounts, walleye activity remains strong. Walleye location, on the other hand, does appear to have undergone some transformation.
Anglers who had become “locked in” to fishing territories and patterns that were reliable last week, found few, if any walleyes using them during post cold front, Tuesday, and Wednesday. But as is usually the case during fall, anglers who explored fresh territory, searching for schools of migratory fish were rewarded with awesome catches.
Overall, the best depth ranges to focus on are the breaks from 6 to 8 feet, the 10-to-12-foot breaks and the 16-to-24-foot ones. Check enough spots in these depth ranges and it is just a matter of time before you will ..." Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Report September 29, 2022
This has been a pivotal week on Lake Winnibigoshish. Water temperatures have cooled, and fish of all species are moving toward fall feeding areas. Last week marked the opening of Minnesota’s Ruffed Grouse season as the trees finally began to show off their fall colors. Today, the transition between seasons will become even more apparent as the Minnesota duck hunting seasons opens this morning,
The transition from late summer to early fall marks the beginning of what some might call the “hard core” fishing season. Folks who know that in return for braving colder, breezier weather, they’re liable to get in on some of the best fishing action of the entire open water season. We see signs that that, the “hard core” fishing season is upon us!
First, surface water temperatures on the big lake are now in the low 60s. This is enough to kill off weed in shallow water and trigger migrations of feeding fish. But along with the cooler water, comes higher water clarity. So, while there have been a couple of days of wild action this week, there were also a couple of “zingers”, sunny, calm days where anglers worked harder, and smarter, for fewer fish.
When the wind blows, walleye anglers should focus on shallow water, shoreline breaks. Key depths vary from spot to spot, but generally use 7 to 10 feet of water as a guideline to get started. Sometimes, fish will go shallower, so don’t be afraid to experiment with 4-to-6-foot breaklines and rocky patches. Sometimes, calm water and sunshine will force fish to move deeper, 10 to 16 feet has been a key, calm water depth range. Don’t expect to find them everywhere, but there are some fish even deeper, certain select areas of the lake’s largest bars hold schools of fish too. Look for inside corners (pockets) and the tips of point in water depths of 16 to 26 feet.
Jigs and minnows now out pace most other presentations in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency. We could argue the trolling spinners continues to be an effective search tool, but side-by-side observations of anglers using the 2 presentations show clearly that the “jiggers” are catching more fish faster than are the “trollers”. In shallow water, 1/16 to 1/8 jigs are the best, on the deeper flats and breaklines, ¼ ounce jigs will do fine under most circumstances. If it’s windy and you need heavier jigs than that, then you will probably be better off fishing on the shoreline anyway.
Geographically, walleye locations have been a moving target. During late summer, there were small schools of fish scattered along almost every shoreline drop off. Recently though, the schools of fish appear to have grown larger in number, but more tightly grouped and located. further away from each other. For anglers, this means making more moves to find fish, but when found, the action will likely be more intense. Where to start depends on the wind direction, wherever there’s a good chop on the water is our best advice. Areas where the waves churn up current but remain manageable enough for effective fishing will almost certainly result in good walleye catches right now.
Perch have responded to the cooler temperatures and become more active too. The schools of fish don’t seem to be large, but there are enough fish out there to provide decent action. So far, weeds located in shallow, 6 to 10 feet of water provide the most opportunity. Shallow rocks should produce fish too, but without firsthand reports, we can’t say that for sure.
Jig and minnows or spinners and minnows are the most reliable presentations for perch. So are lindy rigs tipped with lively minnows and fished along weed edges and gravel patches.
The “crappie bite” has been slow to start this fall but appears to be getting better. For most folks, fishing the weed edges open pockets in the vegetation has been best. Some folks report finding fish suspended in open water now too, so the classic fall vertical fishing pattern should become increasingly effective. Crappie presentations are numerous and varied, but trolling spinners, jigging with live bait and using slip-floats are the 3 most popular. Recently, trolling spinners have generated the best reports, but don’t shy away from experimentation.
Pike angling has been good this summer and anglers who target them are reporting good catches. This week, casting large baits like Suicks, bucktails or shallow running crankbaits have produced the largest average size fish. There are a respectable number of fish in the 26-to-30-inch range, and there’s a smattering of larger, 30 inch plus size fish out there too. Folks looking for a few smaller, eating size pike are catching plenty while they fish for walleyes. Jig and minnow or trolling spinners account for most of those catches. But trolling crankbaits over weed stubble in 10 to 16 feet of water has worked well for pike too.
The last thing we want to do is wish away the fall fishing season. But as a reminder, winter is coming and reservations for ice fishing rentals will soon be on people’s minds. If you’re in the neighborhood, stop in our lodge for some warm food, cold drinks and let’s chat about your plans for the upcoming ice fishing season. — Chad & Melissa Mertz The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552
"Turning the corner into fall has been a slower than average process this season. But despite the summer’s stubborn desire to not relinquish control, the waters of Winnie and Cutfoot have begun transitioning into early fall patterns.
Surface water temperatures, caused by a period of calm and sunny weather, took a short detour back into the 71-to-72-degree range early this week. But once the breeze picked up and the skies turned grey, surface readings in the 66-to-68-degree range have become the norm.
Walleyes can still be found in a wide range of habitat that include both classic summer spots as well as the areas known for producing good fall fishing action. Large, mid lake bars like the Bena Bar, Center Bar, Sugar Bar and Horseshoe continue to hold good numbers of fish. At the same time, walleye populations are building along shoreline breaks, in average water depths ranging between 6 and 10 feet.
One notable departure from recent reports has ..." Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Report September 15, 2022
"... Labor Day Weekend arrived and with it, a moderate downturn in surface water temperatures. By Tuesday (9-6) morning, folks on the lake were reporting 66-to-67-degree readings in the morning, which later bounced back to 69 to 70 degrees by late afternoon. The cool down wasn’t all that dramatic, but one notable change, a decline in algae bloom occurred during the cool front and it has affected anglers’ productivity this week.
On Wednesday, a particularly warm, calm, and sunny day, fishing action on the big lake was “spotty”. Joyce Damon, one of our annual early fall guests was on the lake fishing with her family and local guide Jeff Sundin when she asked; is it because of the calm water and sunshine that the fish aren’t biting?
“They are still “biting”, Sundin replied. “Whenever we find some and I can see them on the graph, somebody catches one. When you think about it, some spots have been better than others, almost every place we’ve stopped has produced something. So, it’s not that they won’t bite, it’s just that fish aren’t stacked up in any single location. Without weather circumstances that encourage fish to go on the prowl and begin feeding, we just need to cover more ground, check more spots, and work smarter, and harder to ... " Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Report September 9, 2022
By Tuesday, surface water temperatures had fallen. Our 68-degree reading indicated a full 5 degree drop from the 73-degree readings viewed over the past weekend. As the sunshine returned and moderate winds allowed the lake to begin settling back down, walleyes continued to bite, but in a whole new array of locations.
The driving principal of fish location on Tuesday was food. Both during and after the turnover, huge pods of baitfish began turning up on deeper, but slow tapering shoreline breaks. At times, anglers spotted numerous small and scattered schools of walleye near the ..." Read >> Lake Winnie Fishing Report September 1, 2022Predicting walleye locations on Winnibigoshish is fairly straight forward right now. It is no secret that right now, the lake itself provides the most help to anglers. Because of the strong 2018- and 2019-year classes of walleyes, there are good populations of fish on all 4 sides of Winnie. So, any wind that blows is a good one, providing that it’s manageable and you can travel safely to and from your chosen fishing destinations.
When you can take advantage of it, the shallow bite is the easiest. A decent chop coming into the shore at a shallow angle, 15-to-30-degree angle is the best. For example, a south wind blowing along and slightly into the east shoreline fires up the bite anywhere from High Banks, all the way down into Musky Bay. A healthy southeast wind fires up the fish on the river channel in Tamarack Bay and a west/northwest wind provides opportunities along the north shore.
We all know that wind doesn’t always blow, and when conditions turn calm, the shallow bite will become slower. How to manage your fishing trip will be made easier by following these few rules of thumb and will help get you into the right neighborhood.
Presentations are becoming more varied, but trolling spinners tipped with fatheads or night crawlers still get the most attention. A single 2/0 Aberdeen hook paired with a #3 hammered gold blade is the guide’s choice on Winnie. With surface water temperatures in the 70-to-73-degree range, faster trolling speeds have worked well. Try holding 1.1 to 1.3 MPH as your primary target, but don’t shay away from moving faster, 1.4 to 1.5 MPH during periods of peak activity.
Jigs and minnows are gaining in popularity now as well. When there’s a good drift, use 1/8 ounce size on the shallow breaklines and ¼ ounce jigs on the flats. Either way, jigs should be tipped with the largest fatheads you can get. There have been a few golden shiners trickling into the baits shops in Deer River, those work well too when you can get them.
Trolling crankbaits on the flats will get you a mixed bag of pike and walleye. Diving baits that reach into the 12-to-14-foot depths are a good choice. Trolling speeds are faster when using crankbaits, 2.3 to 3.0 MPH should be the target range. Because the crankbaits allow anglers to cover water fast, they may be used a search tool to help locate fish. Once located, you may choose a slower, more methodical presentation to increase efficiency.
Perch are nice size when you find them, but the bite has been random at best. We’ll offer advice whenever we start seeing a more reliable pattern emerge, that should begin happening soon, as we roll into early fall.
Word on the street is that sunfish action has been good, especially in Cutfoot Sioux. Shallow water, 3 to 6 feet holds the largest portion of the population. Some of them can also be found deeper, along the outer edges of cabbage weeds.
Crappies on the other hand have been scarce. It’s likely that they are still located in weed growth that is and has been heavier than usual this year. It will take a hard cold front to begin moving fish away from the protection of cabbage and coontail patches.
With the Labor Day holiday weekend just around the corner, we’re preparing not only for a busy time, but a transitional one as well. Fall patterns will begin taking hold, our clientele will transition away from family activities and become more focused on fishing. With a strong reputation for good fall fishing, the strong 2018- and 2019-year classes of walleye could provide our guests with a banner fall. Most fish from both year classes are solid, 14 to 16 inch ‘keepers” already and will get even larger in the coming weeks. As new patterns emerge and the fall bite intensifies, we’ll be here with guidance for our guests and friends on the lake. — Chad & Melissa Mertz The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552
There were just enough walleyes on the flats to hold our attention, but the fishing action was “off” in comparison to recent days. Maybe it was because of the thunderstorm that had just blown through the area or maybe, there was enough breeze blowing to force a movement toward shallow water?
The only way to know, is to go, so we motored into the shoreline and trolled for a ½ mile or so. But if there were walleyes on the shoreline, I hadn’t found them yet, so we went back out onto the flats and picked up where we left off.
On the 2nd attempt, walleye action on the flats was better, but still not great. With a steady breeze blowing and grey skies overhead, the idea of trying the shallows again was gaining strength. We went back to the shoreline, started trolling the weed edges in 7 feet of water and voila, there they were; stacked up like … Okay, maybe not like cordwood, but they were in there pretty good. It took a couple hours for the pattern to take hold, we had to kill some time on the flats, allowing the fish time to switch into their shoreline positions.
The takeaway should be that the pattern I mentioned a few days ago is still valid. Sunshine, calm seas and walleyes spread out on the flats go together. Breezy, dark skies and walleyes roaming the shoreline weed edges go hand in hand as well.
It may interest you to know that when we fish the flats, patches of rock or gravel are worth their weight in gold. Walleyes seem to be highly attracted to that type of structure. But this week, walleyes in the shallow water don’t seem to give a hoot about the rocks. Yesterday, the weedline in 7 to 8 feet of water had lots of walleyes on it. The rocks though, even in the same depths, showed little if any sign of life. I can’t explain that, so I won’t try; you may find a different scenario.
Pressed for time as usual, I have to get out the door right now, but I’ll post a progress report again tomorrow. — Jeff Sundin 218-245-9858 or EMAIL
The action was wild and wooly on Tuesday, and most folks on the lake caught fish using minimal effort. Without doubt, the grey skies and choppy water made that easier, but we think that an advancing line of thunderstorms encouraged the feeding frenzy even more. If the action slows today, we’ll be advising guests to explore an alternative game plan, fishing mid-depth flats.
Center Bar, Bena Bar, Sugar Bar and ..." Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Report August 18, 2022 "There are schools of fish on the north, south and west sides of Winnie for sure. There may be schools of fish on the east side too, but with the prevailing winds, it’s been hard for our guests to access that side of the lake. Key spots have been Raven’s Point, Mallard Point, Stony Point, and Little Stony Point. Between the “key” locations, walleyes can be found scattered along the shoreline breaks in water depths of 5 to 8 feet of water.
On days when the wind won’t blow, fish make short migrations away from the shoreline and spread out across flats in water depths of 12 to 16 feet. Getting a lure in front of them may take longer, but when it happens, they will ..." Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Report August 4, 2022
A little more stormy weather, a little more water under the bridge.
Water levels had begun to recede on Lake Winnie, and it’s connected waters, but on Sunday afternoon, a line of thunderstorms delivered more heavy rainfall to the region. Rainwater has a cooling effect on surface temperatures, and the 72-degree readings we saw at mid-day on Sunday, gave way to 69-degree readings after the storms.
Depending on your point of view, the cooler, higher water can be considered either a blessing, or a burden. The scattering effect high water has had on fish populations means that our guests have to check more spots every day to find fish, that’s the burden. However, fish, scattered because of having so many feeding and habitat choices are still feeding actively, so when we find some, they bite, that’s the blessing.
Shallow, shoreline breaks offer anglers the spinner-minnow, trolling pattern. Scattered rock and gravel patches on mid-depth flats offer trolling, still-fishing, and slip float patterns. Using either spinners or crankbaits on “the flats” has been productive, so have jig and minnow and slip float presentations. Lindy Rigging with night crawlers or large minnows gives anglers another option, drifting or slow trolling the deep edges of mid-lake structures.
Key depths depend on which of these locations we choose to fish. On the shoreline, 4 to 7 feet of water has been the best territory. On the flats, rock and gravel patches that rise a foot or two above the sand bottom are key. These “hard spots” typically top off in the 10-to-12-foot depth range but can occur at other depths too. Fishing the outside edges of mid-lake bars and humps, you’ll find that 17 to 26 feet offers the best chance at catching active fish.
Varied as the fishing patterns are, so are the fish species that can be caught. The phrase scattered but biting applies to walleye, northern pike, perch, rock bass, crappies, and sunfish. Which species you catch depends on which spots you’re fishing at the time; any of them could strike at any moment. Anglers fishing in Cutfoot or Little Cutfoot are more likely to find the panfish, with an occasional walleye or pike as the bonus. On the big lake, trolling patterns deliver walleye, pike and perch primarily, with an occasional crappie or rock bass as the bonus.
Rock Bass as a bonus? Viewpoints vary, some folks love rock bass, others don’t. But don’t knock ‘em until you’ve tried ‘em. Some of the largest rock bass in the entire region are caught on Winnie and they really put up a fight. Filleted, they will remind you of a cross between a crappie, and a bluegill. A delicate fish, but with a coarse grain and heavier bone.
You’ll find most of them in shallow water, gravel, and rock patches in 4 to 8 feet of water are good, so are the outer edges of bulrush patches. Tolling spinners is one way to catch them, but if you really want to get into a mess, slip floats and jigs tipped with live bait is the way to go. Texas rigged plastic worms will also work and fished in heavy cover, will produce a nice largemouth bass occasionally too.
Walleyes from the strong 2018- and 2019-year classes have grown this summer. It’s getting easier to catch numbers of walleye over 14 inches from the class of ’19. Walleye in the 15-to-16-inch range, class of ’18 fish are coming in less frequently, but they are coming in. With perch, pike, panfish and bass in the mix, this is a perfect time to gather a little bit of everything for the family fish fry. For folks who want their picture taken with a larger fish, the opportunity remains good too. Both walleye and pike of quality size continue to be caught, in fact folks who choose to harvest their 1 "keeper walleye" over 23 inches have been able to find it.
Be creative and keep moving, there’s a great chance that your favorite fishing pattern will produce fish. They might not all come from one spot at the same time, make a move, catch a few, make a move … repeat as needed. — Chad & Melissa Mertz The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552
Lake Winnibigoshish, as you probably already know, has offered up some very good walleye fishing these past couple of seasons; it still is. I was there yesterday, last Tuesday, and 4 other times during the month of July. Some days have been better than others, but all 6 times we’ve been able to set our own voluntary minimum size limit of 14+ inches and still either gather “limits” or like yesterday, come really close, bagging 11 of the 12 which would have been legal for Mike & Pam to take home.
Surface water temperatures had taken another dip since the cold front moved in late this Wednesday. Ranging from 69.9 to 71.5 degrees, it would seem certain that the 78-degree readings I reported last week will represent the peak warmth of the season. That’s not to say that they won’t rise again, but if August weather is anywhere close to “typical”, the lake won’t be able to hold on to warmer daytime highs when temperatures cool overnight. I’d expect to see a chart that resembles a sine wave, ranging between 70 to 75 degrees, or something close to that.
Cooler water temperatures did not seem to impact walleye activity, the fish struck fairly aggressively. But cooler water does seem to be influencing fishing presentations. We caught most of ours trolling spinners, but we also caught some of them using jigs and minnows. One friend reported that jig and minnow combos were responsible for catching most of his fish and another one said that all of the walleyes bagged in his boat were caught using jigs and minnows.
This is important information because as water temperatures have cooled, some of the algae has died off and water clarity has improved. Without cloudy weather and strong winds to help cover our tracks, trolling presentations will lose their effectiveness. When the sun shines and the winds stop blowing, we’ll probably do a lot better by stopping the boat short of fish holding structures and casting jigging lures toward them. When that happens, I’ll expand on the theme, but for now, just keep it in mind as a possibility.
Key depths ranged between 5 and 10 feet for us, with 6-1/2 feet being yesterday’s “sweet spot”. Because of the turbulence, there were more fish on rocks where we were fishing. But weeds were the best bet for folks fishing in calmer water along the west shoreline. Small pods of fish holding near seedy cover provided spurts of action when they were first encountered, then scattered after 1 or 2 trolling passes.
There have been reports of good walleye fishing in deeper water on Winnie too. But because I have deliberately only fished there on the windiest, most overcast days, I’ve missed out on any deep-water action. If on any given day I was required to fish Winnie and got stuck with calm seas and sunny skies, I’d definitely take my search out to mid-lake bars and humps. More on that later too.
Northern pike have apparently figured out that there’s a new housing option and have taken up residence in isolated patches of mixed pondweeds, coontail and Whorled Watermilfoil that are growing in water depths of 5 to 8 feet of water. Trolling spinners along the edges is producing pike, some of them are of quality size, ranging from 24 to 30 inches. In fact, I harvested a 27-inch pike to prepare the Hippie Chick one of her favorite dinners, Coconut Pike Delight. As the accompanying photo reveals, it turned out pretty good and was even more delicious than usual.
It's ironic that after harvesting that fish and extolling the virtues of northern pike as table fare to my guests, Mike and Pam, that I’d meet a young man in the fish cleaning station at Four Seasons Resort. He recognized me and mentioned that he’s read my fishing reports. I asked him if he gotten anything out of reading them and after a pause, in a very soft-spoken manner, he said “I find them interesting, but really, we spend most of our time pike fishing.” The implication was that my reports aren't particularly useful to his family because I usually don’t say much about pike.
He was correct, and that’s on me! It’s a shame too because pike fishing, especially on Winnie was a huge part of my life at one time. In fact, my first ever fishing trip to Winnie occurred in 1982 when my uncle brought me there to troll for Northerns. On that trip, speed trolling with large spoons did not work, but while we were trolling, I could see pike anglers casting large wooden baits and jerking them back toward the boat. Those guys were catching fish, lots of them and nice-sized ones. So, when I got home, I marched into Wayzata Bait and bought myself a heavy-duty casting rod and reel, then got set up with some Reef Hawgs, Suicks and other large jerk-baits. The next chance I got, that gear got used to catch pike in the shallow weeds and my addition to casting the big baits for both pike and musky had begun.
That pattern, casting big jerk-baits in the weeds is apparently playing out again, right now on Winnie. The information exchange occurred when I ran across Jake Premo, one of the better fishing guides on Winnie yesterday and asked him if folks who were fishing with large sucker minnows in another boat were catching any pike. That’s when hold me that anglers on the west side are catching larger pike right now by casting the big plugs.
Weed growth this summer is heavier than I’ve seen in a while on Winnie. The average size of northern pike, possibly in response to changes in the northern zone, size and harvest limits, appears to be increasing too. Those factors, combined with the deliciousness of our coconut pike delight are bringing on an itch to break out the heavy artillery so I can introduce the Hippie Chick to an episode of jerk-bait fishing for pike. I’m not sure when, but if we do, you’ll se the first to know about the adventure.
I’m not sure either if the young man from the fish cleaning station will see this report. But if you do, I promise to do a better job of reporting about pike fishing. I really do love them, but admittedly, they’ve been overshadowed by talk about walleye, crappie, and perch. Hopefully, you can get your hands on some casting gear and try those shallow weeds sometime today before you return home from your trip. If you don’t have the right stuff, I would highly suggest checking with Jake or maybe up at the lodge about scheduling a fishing trip with somebody who knows the ropes. You will have a blast.
I’m not sure which way I’ll go over the next couple of days. But the short-term forecast suggests that we should be looking for brown, murky water to fish while we wait out this next round of calmer, sunnier weather. If you’re thinking walleyes, maybe Upper Red Lake would be a good choice. Panfish? Look for lakes with the combination of lower water clarity combined with healthy stands of deeper weed growth. Whichever way you go, good luck! — Jeff Sundin 218-245-9858 or EMAIL
During my formative years as a fishing guide, “prime time walleye fishing” for me, was the early season period and then again in the fall. The terms are subjective, so depending on your specific location in the Midwest, early could have meant anytime from sometime in March, through about mid-June. The fall bite, also a subjective term, could have occurred anytime from Late August, on through late October, occasionally lasting a little bit longer.
Between those 2 peak periods of productivity, was the mid-summer, a time when many walleye anglers, me included, simply waited out the mid-summer doldrums. Biding or time, fishing for bass and panfish kept us occupied while we waited for the next weather event to trigger the next peak walleye fishing period. That philosophy, at least for me, can now be totally thrown out the window.
Why? Because us walleye anglers are becoming increasingly dependent on warm water to produce algae blooms. Zebra Mussels, Faucet Snails, and declines in weed growth are keeping the water clearer, longer during spring. Likewise, prime walleye waters now turn clearer, faster during late summer and early fall when the cooling water temperatures “kill off” some of that precious plankton that develops during mid-summer. Without a good bloom in the water, night fishing for walleyes can be good, so can the early morning and late evening periods. But without the aid of turbulent weather, daytime fishing for walleye is a lot more challenging than it used to be “In the old days”.
We could be talking about any number of great walleye lakes in the Midwest, but conditions on Lake Winnibigoshish help illustrate the concept as well as any. Because I was there several times last week, the news is not only current, but also dovetails with recent reader questions like this one, used with permission from Bruce Guenther, who wrote.
Q) “I am a first timer to Winnie, and I can't wait to get there to start catching some eyes, perch, crappies, and gills. I have been reading your reports from the area and I purchased a quality topo map of the lake and can see some promising structures.
We are staying at Nodak Lodge, 6 fishermen, 2 boats with good electronics July 30th to August 6th, 2022. Where would you start and are crawler harnesses with spinners the way to begin? If we get a couple of perch, go back and still fish? Mostly, what areas would you concentrate on? Drop offs near humps or bars, weed lines (cabbage), flats with bottom bouncers?”
A) Bruce, thank you for the note. First off, most of the information you’ll need can be obtained easily by talking with Tyler or Roger and others, right there at Nodak Lodge. They have a great track record of giving their guests solid fishing advice and always have their fingers on the pulse of what’s happening out there; they will point you in the right direction.
That said, the news, from my perspective, is that shallow water trolling presentations are likely going to offer you the most satisfaction. By late last week, surface water temperatures had risen in to the 77-to-78-degree range. Warmer water not only caused a distinct increase in algae blooms but increased the fish’s metabolism too. Trolling spinners, tipped primarily with fathead minnows was the preferred presentation of most guides who were working along side me at the Daikin Fish-A-Roo event that I mentioned late last week. In fact, as you can see in the accompaning photo, Matt McPherson even caught walleyes using a Barbie Pole!
It was windy, so patches of gravel and rock found in shallow water, 5 to 8 feet deep were good. Weed edges were good too and offered a mixed bag of walleye, perch, pike, and rock bass. Some of the more productive spots were within sight of the resort you’ll be staying at, so when the wind is right, check those spots on your way in and out of the harbor at Nodaks. Other productive areas were found Raven’s Point, Mallard Point, Stony Point and along the north shore. The topo map you mentioned will have the most popular ones marked already.
The weather has cooled since we were there last week, so a decline in the algae bloom is likely. If that’s the case, I’d experiment, especially on calm days, with fishing the edges of main lake bars and humps. Fishing depths vary with conditions, but generally, 16 to 26 feet is the “sweet zone” where the most active fish can be located. Fish found deeper than that, in my opinion, should be left alone. The effects of barotrauma are heighted when the water is warm and reeling them up from the depths in extremely hard on all of them; deadly to some.
Trolling with bottom bouncers and spinners is not a bad idea at all. But consider too, working Lindy Rigs tipped with night crawlers or leeches. Be sure to use a worm blower to inject a bubble of air into your worms, that keeps them in the strike zone and out to the zebra mussels on the bottom. Leeches can be rigged up with carrot floats or floating jigs or suspended below slip floats. Lindy rigging with large minnows is effective for walleyes, but will also add some larger size pike to your larder, if you want to bag a few of those.
Perch fishing on the main lake has been spotty, but some of the guides found good numbers of them last week. Weed edges and gravel patches was the winning combo. Most days, we’re happy enough with the number of perch that we get while we fish for walleye, you probably will be too. But if not, experiment with your presentations.
Every day is different, but trolling spinners tipped with fatheads worked better for me last week than stopping and jigging for them did. We tried that a couple of times, but the perch appeared to prefer faster movement. Another trick that often produces perch is a Lindy Rig tipped with fathead minnows. Trim the leaders shorter, let’s say 18 to 30 inches, lip hook the minnows and make sure they are always lively. Still-fish, drift, or troll slowly over territory where you’ve encountered them.
Panfish is a more specialized pursuit on Big Winnie and while there are enclaves of both sunfish and crappies tucked away in the corners, I did not hear any great reports about folks catching them last week. Folks sometimes find them though and when the do, shallow water cover like bulrushes and cabbage patches are the key locations. Poking around in shallow cover, cast spinner-jigs, or small jigs tipped with plastic action tails.
If the weather is conducive to long boat rides, you may want to consider fishing in Cutfoot Sioux for panfish. If catching them is important to you, then finding them there will likely take up less of your time. Weed edges, cabbage will hold the lion’s share of panfish on Big Cutfoot. On Little Cutfoot, shallow vegetation like lily pads and pondweed holds panfish during summer too.
I’ve said, and written before that for me, the Mid-summer fishing period has become one of the new “prime time” walleye fishing periods. If weather patterns remain stable and the warm water temperatures hold, your timing should be good. But Mother Nature does throw some curve balls. So, if for some reason, there’s no way for you to cash in on a strong algae bloom, or the weather is sunny and calm, night fishing is one alternative.
Once thought of as a fringe group of die-hard anglers, night fishing on Winnie is becoming more mainstream all the time. One friend told me that he thought there was a need for traffic lights out there one-night last week. The increase in night fishing activity is for good reason, it works. Trolling plugs over mid-depth flats fin the 6-to-12-foot depth range has been the great equalizer for folks who don’t want to struggle with sunshine and calm water.
That should give you some ideas about where to start when you get here. I’ll be out there this week and I’m sure that others will be too. So, keep any eye on the reports, any new trends or changes in conditions will be posted throughout the week." — Jeff Sundin 218-245-9858 or EMAIL
"Just at the point during mid-summer when you’d think the walleye fishing action SHOULD slow down, IT DOESN’T, at least that’s how it usually works on Lake Winnie!
Warm weather and sunshine have brought water temperatures up. Now in the 76-to-78-degree range, the lake has developed an algae bloom. Algae blooms are good for the lake in many ways, but for anglers, they help by reducing water clarity and that makes it easier to get close to walleyes during the daytime.
Surface water temperatures, in and of themselves are good for anglers too. The rising temperatures increase fish metabolism, encouraging them to feed both more heavily and more often. Trolling patterns, at increased speeds become effective, making it easier for folks to ..." Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Report July 19, 2022
Rumbling storms interrupted the morning routine around the resort on Monday, that didn’t encourage much fishing action. Not long after, strong westerly winds developed whitecaps in the bay, not many went out in the waves either. Local guide, Jeff Sundin did though, his guests from the lodge next door, Mike and Lori Lucht decided that they wanted to take a chance on the weather and, in the end, they were glad that they did.
“We were lucky that the wind took a little while to develop, there was an hour-long window between the storm ending and the strong wind starting. During that time, we were able to travel to the northwest corner of the lake, where we would be able to fish in relatively calm water, and we knew the trip back home, with the waves, wouldn’t be too bad.” Sundin reported.
Throughout the past week or two, hard core anglers have been in short supply. Those guests who have been more focused on fishing were either working hard to catch fish during the daytime or choosing to fish during the early morning and late evening when the fish were feeding more intensely, making them easier to catch.
Sundin, “Truthfully, daytime fishing on the big lake hasn’t been impossible, but it’s been a grind, catching an average of 8 to 12 “keepers” has taken a lot of focus, not just on fish location, but presentation too. Last Wednesday, we fished on mid-lake bars and humps, Lindy Rigs and night crawlers was the only way we could get bit. On Thursday, 1/4 ounce Lindy Live Bait Jigs and minnows, fished on the deep outside edges of smaller, shoreline related points was the ticket, night crawlers would not trigger a strike.”
For some of our guests, trolling spinners tipped with minnows had begun working too. Trolling weeds and small patches of rock and gravel on the flats has produced some nice fish. The folks using that presentation though have been fishing primarily during the periods of peak action, not during midday, especially not on calm, sunny days. “We tried trolling spinners today.” Sundin said. “For a time, it looked like it might be the way to go, but after catching a walleye, a pike and one nice perch, all we could get was perch nibbles and short strikes from lethargic walleyes.
In fact, at noon, we only had 2 walleyes in the livewell, 1 of them caught on the spinner and the other, caught earlier on a jig and minnow. We moved further north and picked up where we left off with the jig and minnow fishing, this time with more determination. Luckily, the 2nd attempt with the jigs worked out better and the walleye action was consistent throughout the afternoon.”
By days end, the Lucht’s had their limits of walleye, some were better than others, they ranged in size from a couple of 13-1/2 inches, up to a 24 inch “over” that Mike caught. The 2018-year class, 15 to 16 inch fish was well represented in the larder and those made up most of their catch. There were 3 bonus “eater size” pike in the creel too. All but 2 of the fish were caught jigging in the 12-to-14-foot depth range. Fathead minnows, the most widely species available now, worked fine, so searching high and low for shiners or other premium priced minnows should not be a concern.
Sundin; “We were lucky, if it wasn’t for the turbulence, I don’t think the fishing would have been as easy as it was. Most of the past 2 weeks have featured numerous ups and downs. In fact, I wrote about that on July 11, 2022. During daytime, fish bite here one day, there the next and on some days, they’ll make you wake until late evening before they start fishing. This day does go to show that you don’t want to skip out on the days when fishing is uncomfortable. I offered the Lucht’s a chance to bail out and they said no, their decision to put up with the wind and the waves is the only reason, I think, that the fishing was a good as it was.”
According to the forecast this week, it looks like our guests will have opportunities to test all Sundin’s theories. A day or 2 of turbulent weather, a little bit of sunshine and calm water and even a day featuring nice gentle rain showers are all in the NOAA predictions. Pack your jigging rods and your Lindy Rigging Rods, lay in supplies of fatheads and night crawlers, then check out the mid-lake humps, deep shoreline related points and gravel patches on the flats. Do all 3, every day, and the lake will treat you kindly. — Chad & Melissa Mertz The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552
"Turbulent weather has kept fishing guests “on their toes”, particularly ones who love spending most of their time on the big lake. The pattern, if you want to call it that, has been to squeeze in a few hours of quality fishing time whenever the weather presents an opportunity.
Walleyes, still receiving the lion’s share of attention, are turning up in a wider variety of locations. There are still decent numbers of fish on mid-depth flats near Third River, Tamarack Bay and at the west side of Winnie. Key depths range from 10 to 14 feet on the flats where you’ll find scattered pods of walleyes feeding.
Mid-lake bars and humps are generating some attention mow too. Experienced anglers recognize walleye migrations following typical seasonal trends, starting on bars that connect directly to the shoreline, and then fanning out to ..." Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Report July 1, 2022
Water temperatures on Lake Winnie are still behind seasonal averages but are warming up. Surface readings came in at 63-1/2 degrees on the main lake, 64 to 66 degrees in the back bays on Tuesday.
Cooler than average temps, combined with high water levels has meant above average water clarity and this has influenced fish location. Out on the main lake, anglers will find more walleyes in deeper water, than in shallow water. Key depths vary from 16 to 26 feet depending on the structures, but focusing on a narrow, 20-to-23-foot band at the upper edges of mid-lake structures will get you into productive territory.
Walleye anglers have begun venturing out further into the main lake. Deep water, shoreline related structures have started filling up with walleyes as they migrate toward mid-lake habitat. Highbanks, Ace-in-the-Hole, Stony Point and other prominent bars are the best places to look. There are only a few fish moving across open water towards the isolated bars and humps at mid-lake. Those structures will hold fish soon, but for now, structures that connect directly to shore will probably be more productive.
Leeches and night crawlers, typically productive live bait presentations for this part of the season are producing some fish, but minnows are still the ticket for triggering walleye strikes. Jigs tipped with shiners, large chubs or rainbows are still working. But folks who love Lindy Rigging will find that a 6-to-8-foot snell combined with a #4 or #2 hook and medium-large, lively minnows will be excellent too. Shiners, rainbows or light pike suckers in the 4-to-5-inch range have been very productive not only for walleyes, but also to catch northern pike.
If you really love fishing with leeches, then present them vertically, below a slip float, or on a 1/8 to ¼ ounce jig head fished directly below your boat.
Walleye size structure is dominated by 3 major year classes of fish. Fish from the strong 2013-year class, now measuring 22 to 25 inches in length, have provided our guests to harvest their 1 fish over 23 inches. Another strong year class, 2018 is providing the best fish for harvesting. Now measuring 15 to 17 inches, they are the perfect size for folks targeting “eaters”. The massive 2019 year class fish are now ranging from 12-1/2 to 13-1/2 inches, a little small for harvest now, but should be attractive targets later this fall.
In the shallower bays, weed growth will attract and hold walleyes, but fish of all species will be found in the mix with them. Cabbage weeds are green now and coontail, eelgrass and whorled watermilfoil plants are filling out. Bulrushes are green, and emerging above the surface, wild rice plants are still laying flat on the surface but developing nicely.
Bass, as you can see in the attached photo are roaming the shallows and some of our guests have been targeting them. Along with them, sunfish and rock bass are grouped up around weeds and in shallow spawning structure too. Crappies appear to have finished spawning and have moved away from shoreline cover; cabbage weeds are the better place to look for them now.
Some folks use spinnerbaits for the bass, but plastic swim baits, wacky worms and texas rigs will all produce good results too.
Perch are turning up in a wider variety of locations, weeds hold some of them, gravel bars and rocky areas have scattered perch schools and soft-bottom areas adjacent to deep structure hosts perch too. Jig and minnow presentations are the best bet for perch, but some folks are experimenting with spinners in the weeds and have also picked up a few that way.
With the water clarity so high, popularity for fishing the early morning and late evening bites has grown. On sunny or windless days, walleye anglers have done much better fishing those primetime feeding periods. Clouds combined with a good chop on the water keeps the fish active during the daytime.
Musky fishing season will open this weekend and in case you didn’t realize it, Winnie and Cutfoot provide excellent opportunity. The overall musky population is modest, but there are some real bruisers out there and fish, numerous fish in the mid-50 inch range have been caught. — Chad & Melissa Mertz The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552
Walleye migrations toward mid-lake structure has begun. In the early stages, shoreline related structure such the steep breaklines and long fingers that lead into the lake’s deepest water are the best producers. Some of the free-standing humps and bars are producing fish too, provided that they are located near shore, or near one of the prominent shoreline related bars.
Fish location varies from spot to spot, but generally, inside turns and soft points on the structures are holding the most fish. Long, straight stretches are producing few if any walleyes. The steep, straightaways do offer some opportunity for ... " Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Report June 12, 2022Surface water temperatures above 60 degrees are finally arriving on Winnibigoshish. Calm and sunny conditions on Tuesday allowed some of the back bays to reach above 65 degrees. There are some early signs that the warming trend may be encouraging walleye migrations toward deeper, mid-lake bars and humps. That said, anglers are still catching the overwhelming majority of walleyes on shoreline related flats and steep shoreline breaks.
Fishing “structure” has been less important than usual during the past week or so. Focusing on soft bottom flats in the 18-to-22-foot depth range has produced the most consistent action. But anglers who fish during twilight, or under cloudy conditions are finding fish on some of the adjacent shallower structure too. How shallow fish move during the primetime periods depends not only on light, but on wind too. The breezier conditions get, the shallower fish move, adapting to the changes in water current. Once a school of fish has been located, a good rule of thumb has been to scour the area, changing depths frequently.
Closely watching your electronics is crucial, especially when fishing the flats. Stable weather has made most fish active, and they are gathered in fairly large schools. In the deeper ranges, fish are relatively easy to spot on your graph as well. So, if you’re not seeing good numbers of fish on your screen, keep moving until you do. Current reports from guests are that most of the fish appear to be aggressive and will likely bite.
The presentation most folks are using has been jig and minnow. The preferred weight has been ¼ ounce, but adjust that heavier or lighter to match conditions. Shiner minnows, now readily available may offer an advantage, some folks feel that way. But there are plenty of fish being caught on fatheads too, especially minnows in the proper size range; for jigging, 3 to 4 inches is perfect.
There are some unusually big shiners available at some of the local bait stores right now. Some of them have large rainbows too and these are excellent for walleyes. The larger minnows are best presented using Lindy Rigs though, a ½ ounce sinker, a 6-to-7-foot leader with #4 or #2 hooks is perfect. Hook the minnow a single time, through only the top lip so they will last longer and stay livelier. Some anglers report that the larger minnows have helped them produce fish of a larger average size.
Perch activity is increasing now too. Some of them are caught by anglers while they fish for walleyes. But they can be singled out and targeted independently. Cabbage patches are holding some, gravel bars on the flats, adjacent to deeper water are also holding some perch. The average size has been fair to good, fish ranging in size from 9 to 11 inches being the most common.
Crappies have been found in isolated areas but are not widespread. So, some folks have reported good catches, while others come up empty handed. Finding them may take considerable determination but can be done if you’re devoted to the task. Warmer weather in the forecast could change things quickly, but panfish and bass have not yet begun showing up in the shallows. Some folks report occasionally seeing them cruising in small schools, most likely scoping out potential spawning territory.
Most of the pike being caught, and/or harvested have been catch by anglers while they target walleyes. The larger pike are caught in deeper water right now and as insect hatches begin attracting larger baitfish, the trend will continue. Live bait rigging or using slip-floats with larger minnows is the best way to target them. Steep breaklines or rocky structure adjacent to deep water flats are a good starting spot. — Chad & Melissa Mertz The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552
Steep breaklines, like the ones found along the Mississippi River channel are holding fish, but those are overwhelmingly fish from Winnie’s strong 2019-year class. When you get into a school of 12-1/2 to 13-1/2 fish, it is unlikely that you’ll find good numbers of “keepers”.
This spring, leaving the small fish behind and moving to another spot can pay off bigtime because another strong year class, 2018, features good numbers of fish that have ..." Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Report June 3, 2022 Leading into the Memorial Day weekend, walleye action remained strong for our guests. Most of them rarely ventured out of Tamarack Bay, finding schools of fish in popular spring spots like the Three Sisters, Tamarack Point and along the Mississippi River channel that runs through Lake Winnie and exits here, just down the shoreline from The Pines Resort.
But even while guests continued doing well in traditional spots, conditions around the lake were changing. Anglers were finding walleyes in a wider array of both locations and depths. Breezy conditions provided current and encouraged fish to move shallow, feeding on shiners and other small baitfish. Calm days encouraged fish to move deeper, capitalizing on another, freshly emerging food source, Midge Larvae.
You’ve seen the adult midge many times, but maybe didn’t realize it. They resemble mosquitos but lack the long beak and therefore don’t sting. During winter, their larvae, blood worms attract perch, panfish and sometimes walleye. During early summer, the larvae, found in the soft marl bottom on flats and sometimes adjacent to structure, provides a transitional food source for walleyes.
Because of the Midge hatches, anglers noted walleyes spreading out across deeper “mud flats” in random locations. Marl can occur at any depth, but on Lake Winnie, flats in the 16 to 24 feet depth range are commonly among the key depth ranges. Trust your electronics, when you spot fish, even those located far from structure, give the spot a try.
Jigs and minnows have and will continue to catch fish, so carry a supply of minnows for fish that still prefer them. But insect hatches trigger many walleyes to develop an appetite for meat. Leeches, right now, are a good first choice and night crawlers can be good too. A good rule of thumb is to bring a small supply of each, just to be sure you’re not left out in the cold when the fish are being choosier about feeding preferences.
Artificial lures are producing fish too. Jigs with plastics, spinners and crankbaits have begun to receive attention from some anglers; as conditions warm, they will produce better results.
Weather has become turbulent over the past couple of days and we’re anxious to see which fishing patterns emerge as “the best”. Watch for another update as weather patterns stabilize. — Chad & Melissa Mertz The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552
"Shiner minnows, in their spring spawning runs, arrived on the shoreline in good numbers this week. For our guests, it means that shiner minnow supplies will be good, now available for anyone who wants them. For hungry walleyes, it means staying close to the shoreline to take advantage of the prime food source. Pike and perch love the shiners too, so don’t be surprised if you have random encounters with them during your search for walleyes.
Water levels are high and surface temperatures on the lake remain low. On Thursday, calm seas, combined with bright sunshine warmed the surface water to 56 degrees on Lake Winnie. Cutfoot Sioux, Little Cutfoot Sioux and select “back bay” areas of the big lake were warmer; 57 to 59 degrees could be found. when the winds blow and the waters re-mix, the true water temps will probably settle in somewhere between 53 and 55 degrees.
Water clarity varies around the lake, it now ranges between mildly murky, to ultra-clear. Walleye location, influenced greatly by water clarity, is strongly dependent on where anglers are fishing. We’ve had reports, on the same day, of anglers catching fish in shallow water while others report catching fish in deep water. That means you should ..." Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Report May 27, 2022
There might have been a different slant on today’s report if it hadn’t meshed so well with an email that came in from a reader. I’ll get to that email in a minute, but first the lead in.
While we were fishing on Monday, my friend and customer Travis Krug said, “Don’t tell grandpa, but I’d be happy if we spent the whole week catching and releasing fish like these.” He was talking about a school of fish from Lake Winnie’s once dominate 2013-year class that my Alaskan somehow swerved into. The fish, ranging in size from about 22 inches to upwards of 25 inches were traveling together and apparently, didn’t allow room in their clique for fish from other year classes.
Those fish were fun to catch, but unless we’d been willing to harvest “the overs”, were not gonna find their way into a frying pan. Not far away, folks were catching “keepers”, getting in on that action meant joining the crowd and wiggling in and out of traffic. Obviously, I do that when it’s required, but I’d prefer finding productive territory that provides more elbow room. So, I ventured off, searching for a school of fish that had not yet been discovered. And I failed.
The experience wasn’t anything new for me, playing Amerigo Vespucci doesn’t always work. So, eventually, I wound up coming back, joining the crowd, and scrounging up 8 walleyes for the fish fry. Now let’s move on to the email from Travis Verdegan.
Verdegan, “My son and I got out on the east side of Winnie and fished from south of birches to north of Highbanks from 2:30 to 9:00. Action for us was sporadic, with a big lull when the sun came out midway through.
We couldn’t seem to find the fish we were after; you know the good eaters. In fact, I didn’t catch a walleye under 20”. Believe me catching too many large fish is not a common problem for. Even the pike weren’t cooperating, either too big or too small. It wasn’t like we missed a lot of fish either. We had a few missing minnows, but nothing that came with any type of certainty that it was from a bite.
This is a real stupid problem to have, because after being gone all afternoon with the expense of gas and bait my wife was expecting fresh fish to be one the menu. Oh well, I guess that’s how it goes. Have a good one, Travis.”
A) Travis, Walleyes are interesting critters, any given year class tends to stay grouped together. Their behavior is not something that I can explain, But I've learned that there are times throughout the season when one year class temporarily dominates the catch in localized area. When that happens, as hard as it is, the only choice is to leave the area and begin searching for a school of fish from the year class that you want to target.
I'm guessing that perhaps you’re like me and the larger crowds in Tamarack Bay didn't appeal to you on the day you fished Winnie. But truthfully, you were fishing just around the corner from a rather large school of walleyes located on the River Channel in Tamarack Bay. It’s a busy place to fish, but recent reports from the Pines Resort and Bowen Lodge are accurate, folks are catching fish there.
If you’re a frequent visitor to my website, you’ve read numerous reports about targeting fish in a particular size range by locating schools of fish born in a specific year. Obviously, the system only works when the lake can be identified as having a strong year class, or multiple strong year classes of fish; right now, Winnie does. We've noticed that fish from both the 2018 and 2019-year classes are well represented in that area. The 2018s, now in the 15 inch plus size range are very attractive right now. I have not been getting limits there, but holding to a voluntary 15 inch minimum, can get 8 to 12 "keepers" on an average day.
I was lucky yesterday because my crew was happy catching those larger fish and releasing them didn’t cause a moment of distress. But sometimes, folks get anxious when the fish they catch can’t be added to their larder. When that happens, it’s on me to figure out where I can locate some “keepers”. Often, that means leaving a school of fish, like the one you and your son were fishing, to find a school of fish better suited for harvest.
There are days when I must be willing to dig myself a hole, checking 2, 3, 4 or more spots hoping to locate the fish I’m looking for. Sometimes, like yesterday, I never do find that “new spot” and then I go back, join the crowd and do the best I can. On the other hand, sometimes I do find “my own” school of fish and when that happens, smiles are measured with a yard stick, not a ruler.
No matter which lake you’re on, be willing to fail before you succeed. If you’re fishing a spot and catching fish, but they are not the ones you want, make a move. If it doesn’t work out, you can always go back. — Jeff Sundin 218-245-9858 or EMAIL
"After our first full week of fishing for the 2022 season, we can honestly say that it’s been a wild ride. Despite the later than average ice-out, we managed to have all the docks in, and the chores finished in time for our fishing opener guests. And luckily, we did, because for our guests, the fishing opener was fantastic.
“Post Spawn” accurately describes the timing for the walleye opener. Female fish, mostly spawned out, were already transitioning out of Cutfoot Sioux. Male fish, many of them still in “spawning mode” lingered in traditional breeding areas, hoping to catch the last wave action. By week’s end, 90% of the male fish we’re catching show no signs of milt, so they’re now focused on feeding rather than breeding.
Typical of most openers, folks did not need to travel far to get in on good walleye action. In fact, several of our friends caught walleye limits within view of our marina on Saturday. Also typical of most seasons, from Sunday on, the epicenter of walleye fishing action has been on ..." Read >> Lake Winnie Report May 21, 2022 Bowen Lodge
Paul Plinske emailed with this question. “Q) With all the talk of a limited supply of spot tail shiners this year, I was just wondering if you had any tips for keeping them alive once you leave the bait shop? They seem to sometimes die if you just look at them the wrong way.
A) Paul, you’re right Spottails can be tricky to keep alive, so can some of the other popular fishing minnows like Red Tails. Your question reminds me that it’s been a long time since I’ve written about keeping live bait alive, so I thank you for the lead into this fresh update.
In my experience, keeping minnows alive for extended periods of time involves addressing 3 main issues, the first 2, involve what the minnows need to survive: space, and environment. Space, to me, means having enough water so that my minnows are not over-crowded. Environment includes temperature, aeration, and ..." Read >> Minnesota AIS Legal System For Preserving My Prescious Shiners and Live Bait Cargo Sundin May 20, 2022
From the start of the walleye fishing season, through the end of the day on Tuesday, our guests have been finding and catching walleyes. The late ice out actually helped us out because typically, migration patterns would have pulled some walleyes away from our corner of the lake by now. But this spring, good numbers of fish are still lingering, not only in Tamarack Bay, but right here in the Dam Bay as well. Click the image at right to enlarge map and view the selected area.
Surface water temperatures on the main lake are still cold, 48 to 49 degrees is the typical range. But strong winds from the west-southwest have blown warmer surface water towards us, making the extreme east side of Lake Winnie the warm spot. On Tuesday, guests fishing in Tamarack Bay reported surface temperatures of 54 to 55 degrees.
For now, prime fish habitat has been the shallow flats, over low-growing weed stubble. Shiners and other small baitfish are holding there, using the emerging grass as cover. Walleyes are roaming the flats, picking off minnows as they encounter them. So, the fishing pattern that works best is to mimic the fish and roam the flats too.
Using jigs in the 1/8 to ¼ ounce range and slow trolling or slow drifting the slow-tapering drop offs have been effective. For many, the key depth has been 9 feet of water, at times wind forces the fish shallower, and calm seas force fish somewhat deeper.
When the waves settled and the surface became calm on Tuesday, some of the local guides reported 10 to 12 feet of water as the prime depth range. “Keep it moving, but don’t put too much action on your jig.” One of the better guides advised. “Using a drag-hop-drag-hop motion will get the fishes attention. They’re still cold, so once they pick up your bait, allow plenty of time before attempting to set the hook.”
Minnow shortages have eased somewhat, but we’re selling our bait as fast as we can get it. Shiners are beginning to run, but so far, not in large numbers. They will soon, but until they do, using larger fatheads, rainbows and small sucker minnows are producing action. Size seems to be more important than species, as long as your minnows are in the 3-to-4-inch range, they’ll produce walleyes.
Perch have been hard to find so far, probably an indication that they are spawning now. They use cover like bulrushes, standing cabbage weeds and other “woody cover”, so locating them could mean exploring shallow water, closer to shore. Doing so could lead to walleyes too, Chad was in the bay a couple of days ago and reported seeing walleyes in and around bulrushes in 3 to 4 feet of water. Some of our guests have caught walleyes in the shallow cover to, so experiment when conditions warrant.
Northern Pike are hitting at random intervals, most folks report catching several each day as they fish for walleyes. Using jig and minnow combinations don’t typically attract the largest pike, but live suckers, suspended below a bobber is deadly at this time of the season. Thill’s “Big Fish Slider”, a slip float designed for drifting is a good choice. Adjust your bobber to float about 3 feet above the bottom, drift slowly across the flats and allow the sucker minnow to do it’s job.
We think it’s a little early for panfish to move into shallow cover. But the focus has been on walleye this week anyway. When water temperatures approach 60 degrees, crappies and sunfish will begin getting some attention, we’ll let you know when they do.
The incoming weather, rainy, cool, and breezy should discourage shiners from moving shallower to spawn. So, until the sun comes back out, the mid-range weed flats will likely continue being productive.
Key areas have been Plughat Point, The 3 Sisters and several stretches along the Mississippi River channel. Folks who seek adventure and want a longer boat ride can find fish elsewhere on the lake, but honestly, it isn’t necessary to move out of the bay to find fish.
We’ll have another update for you soon, so check back often. If you’re in the area, stop by and check out Chad’s handywork, he’s done a lot of remodeling in the lodge. It’s a nice place to relax with some warm food and a cold beverage. Use the link below and check our website for more details, or to get in touch. — Chad & Melissa Mertz >> The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552
Opinions vary about whether Winnie will be completely ice-free or not. But we’re calling our customers and letting them know that we will definitely be open next weekend for the Minnesota Walleye Fishing Opener. Chad says that the likelihood is that there will still be some ice piled on shore, and maybe even some floating chunks on the lake, but careful boaters will be able to find places to fish.
“The bay here at The Pines Resort is already wide open out to, and slightly beyond Plughat Point. Moving east toward Tamarack Point, shoreline areas are open, the adjacent ice is cracking, and the sunshine is disintegrating ice by the hour. During the first week or two of the fishing season, our guests rarely travel out of Tamarack Bay anyway, so it looks like we’ll be in good shape.”
On Friday (May 6, 2022) we took a tour of the east side of the main lake too and can see that the breeze is beginning to shift ice out there as well. Larger cracks are forming and while the main lake does remain ice covered, its extremities are not. Slushy, soupy snow cone ice, combined with patches of open water can now be found in numerous areas on the east side of the lake. With more warm weather, rainy and stronger breezes in the forecast, we just have to be optimistic!
Across the bridge, Mississippi River water is flowing at a steady pace, but it is not raging. Walleye spawning activity is heavy and over the past few days, waves of spawning walleyes move toward the dam every evening, just before dusk. Seeing all of those fish is making us itchy to get the season started, so we’re hard at work, fixing docks, cleaning cabins, and preparing our newly remodeled lodge in anticipation of guests beginning to arrive next week.
We can hardly wait to see you in person, but between then and now, be sure to check in often for more details about lake conditions, fishing tips and news about bait and tackle supplies. Stick with us and we'll make sure you're up to speed. — Chad & Melissa Mertz The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552
This year, more than ever, there is good reason for anticipation of a great walleye fishing season to be high. Early data from MN DNR 2021 Fisheries surveys continue to support the widely held belief that 2, back-to-back, “dynamo year classes” of walleyes from both the 2018 and 2019 spawning seasons now dominate the population of walleyes in Winnie.
That means the population of “catchable” size fish in our system will be better in 2022, than it has been for several years. We think even better than it was when the very strong, 2013-year class ..." Read >> Bowen Lodge Lake Winnie Fishing Outlook May 6, 2022
On March 7, 2022 Brandon Lulloff wrote with a fishing report from Winnibigoshish. "SLOW! Man was it some tough fishing this last weekend. We rolled out onto the lake at about 5am Friday morning and took highbanks plowed road out to the middle of the lake. We got on our snowmobiles and headed west to our favorite spots over off of mallard point and started searching.
Getting there wasn't as bad as I thought. Travel with the snowmobile was super easy. I'd even venture to guess that a truck just may be able to make it but I wouldn't risk it. Never know about slush.
We were able to mark and catch a few fish searching Friday morning and at 11 AM I thought as found them. Up until that point, we only had caught and kept 6 9"+ perch with only 1 toss back. Then in the matter of an hour in 4 holes close together, we pulled up 15 of them! Game on, or so we thought. Rest of the day we scrapped out only 5 more! Tossed back only like 8 so it was mostly big ones biting. We were marking some fish but not many.
Next day we decided to just go back and hope for that hungry school to come back. With that weather change we thought maybe they would turn on. Nope, not really. Sat there until 1pm and managed to get together 16 of them.
I guess 42 9" to 12" Perch shouldn't leave you feeling like it was bad fishing but that lake just has so many Perch that it just didn't meet prior expectations. Sent us back to earth after 10 consecutive trips with much better fishing!" — Brandon Lulloff
"Over the past 2 weeks, email comments about the senate effort to reduce Minnesota's walleye possession limit have trickled in. Not many have offered new information, and, in my mind, none had been worth the trouble of re-opening the face-off about whether the new restrictions are needed. That is until a recent email from TR James piqued my interest.
I'm paraphrasing, but in it, James asked me whether I thought most folks truly understand the distinction between Minnesota's daily walleye bag limit and the walleye possession limit. James' point is an important one and it had been on my mind too. The email exchange made me curious about how Minnesota's current regulation stacks up against other states. That's what got me started studying the subject from that point of view.
After a couple days of researching the regulations from 14 Midwestern US States, I learned that Minnesota's current possession limit of 6 walleyes is already the most restrictive walleye possession limit in the Midwest. That's right, in most Midwestern states, anglers are allowed to have in their freezers more than a single day's limit. But not in Minnesota, here you are not allowed to ..." Learn More About >> Minnesota's Walleye Possession Regulations March 8, 2022
"Snow is stacking up; off-road travel is tricky and fishing traffic near the plowed roads has been heavy. The ability to be creative, travelling away from the crowds and into “fresh territory” is the difference between lack-luster vs good fishing. So, typical of the mid-winter timeframe, folks who have snow machines and can travel off-road definitely have the upper hand on north central Minnesota lakes.
On Winnibigoshish for example, the sentiment among many is that fishing action has slowed down. Even some of the better anglers who were catching lots of fish a few weeks back are experiencing the slow down. On Saturday, Travis Verdegan wrote, “I was out yesterday (Friday 1-14-22) by 2 PM and left after 7PM, the light shows from all the wheelhouses was very impressive. That’s as much traffic as I’ve ever seen out there.
Fishing was the slowest I’ve had out there yet, besides a couple decent pike I kept for blackened pike. First of three times out that I didn’t catch a keeper walleye. Perch were around on the camera during the day, but not a nibble out of them. I was fishing 20 to 24 feet of water.
Compare that with what Mark Thompson told me yesterday, “Fishing was steady during the day with a mixed bag of perch, pike and walleye. Last couple hours of daylight were fast action, I couldn’t hardly drop my jig without getting a strike. 95% of the walleyes I caught were between 12 13 inches. But I did get one over the slot, about 25 inches, along with a couple slot fish and 5 to 6 keeper size fish in the 15-to-17-inch range.”
In a follow up phone call, Thompson added another detail. When he started fishing, he tied on a heavier jigging lure tipped with a minnow head. Later, he observed fish showing a certain reluctance to the fast dropping, aggressive jigging bait. When he switched to a slower falling lure, the 1/8-ounce Lindy Quiver Spoon, fish struck more aggressively. “It seemed like they really liked seeing the lure hovering longer, instead of dropping quickly,” Thompson added.
While their fishing experiences differed, the anglers did agree about travel conditions. Verdegan, “I took the wheeler and flip over out of birches and was able to fish the spot I had planned and there had not been much for traffic besides mine from the last couple times I’d been out. Snow is hard and drifted, so it kind of felt like riding waves once I got off the beaten track.”
Thompson, “Travel off the roads would be nearly impossible without tracks. With tracks it was no picnic either because the hard drifts made it like running through moguls. Amazing I didn’t break everything in my sled. Drifts were worse the farther north I went. No slush to speak of.”
Neither angler reported much in the way of perch action. I recall that not long ago, there was another report that indicated the better perch action was occurring in shallower water. So, one possible explanation is that perch may be still holding on the shallow flats, rather than out on mid lake structures.
Theorizing about why he was having better action than some of his friends who were fishing other spots at the same time, Thompson’s anecdotal observation took water depth into account. Fishing a hump that topped of at 24 feet, the action was fast and furious. But those who were fishing shallower did not share the experience. Maybe, finding structures that top off deeper is something to be considered, it’s an idea worth checking out."
"Last year at about this time, there was a certain amount of “hand ringing” going on about the big crowds of anglers on Lake Winnie. While there are still a healthy number of ice shelters out there now, the scene up there this year is much more subdued.
Causing the diminished population of anglers on the ice is likely a combination of factors including tougher travel conditions, angler’s availability of free time and reports of “slower fishing action” on the big lake.
Snow cover, while not exactly the major issue, is deeper than it was last year, and fewer anglers are able to travel off-road. In most areas of the lake, 10 to 12 inches of snow is the norm, there are large stretches of broken, rough ice too and that dampens enthusiasm for exploration; at least it dampens mine.
Fewer folks are off work this year, and the availability of “free money” is drying up. So, the “covid affect” is less noticeable than it was in 2021. The reduction in traffic is not unique to Winnie by the way, I’ve seen smaller crowds on many of the region’s popular ice fishing lakes.
Fishing action is not shut down by any means but absent in 2022 are the reports about “hot bites on the big lake.” Persistent walleye anglers are catching fish during early morning and late evening. Key structures are shoreline breaks that lead into deep water, along with bars and humps located near shore. So far, there are more reports about folks catching fish in the protected slot, 18 to 23 inches, than there are about catching hordes of small, 2018- or 2019-year class fish. There are also a healthy smattering of reports about people catching fish over the protected slot, 23 inches or larger.
Something missing this year, at least apparently, are schools of hungry perch. Typically, anglers would be kept busy during midday by perch and that “busy-ness” would keep them interested at times when the walleyes were not on the move. The folks who are catching perch have found them in shallower water, 5 to 8 feet over the weedy flats adjacent to shore. If that trend toward segregated populations is widespread, then it could be a while before there is a healthy “mixed bag bite” out there.
On my afternoon tour yesterday (Jan.12, 2022), there was traffic moving both on and off the lake, but the pace was slow and lazy. The roads leading onto Tamarack Bay from The Pines Resort were in good shape as they have been for several weeks.
At Highbanks Resort, the main road was in excellent condition, and crews were on the ice, plowing new spurs and opening parking/fishing spots for anglers who were towing large wheelhouses. The photo reveals one or the plow trucks that was clearing a spot at the time.
Typical of most ice fishing seasons, resorts are full and their staff, if they have any, are stressed out. So, updates and response time to questions is delayed. We keep plugging away though and provide updates as they become available.
Always remember, we never turn away field reports from the lake. OH and by the way, nobody expects you to share your secrets, your prized fishing spots are safe, but often, it is the smallest observation that becomes most helpful to your fellow anglers. Don’t wait for a gold engraved invitation, shoot us an email or leave a text message with a few words about your experience on the ice.
And remember too, general information about lake accesses and fishing conditions are updated on the Lake Winnibigoshish Access Map as they become available." — Jeff Sundin 218-245-9858 or EMAIL
"The New Years Weekend was a big one on Lake Winnie. Access roads around the lake opened up for vehicle traffic and the lake began filling up with eager ice anglers. Here are some updates about Lake Winnie Ice Accesses and travel conditions along with a few fishing updates as of January 2, 2022.
The accompanying map with numbered descriptions identifies the access points around the lake and provides the most up do date information available at the time. Please note the dates for each of the individual access point and ..." Read >> Lake Winnie Ice Conditions and Fishing Updates January 2, 2022
"With dual goals of both keeping our fishing updates current, but also providing historical information about past fishing seasons, we occasionally need to add additional space, allowing us to stay up-to-date. At the beginning of every year, we open up fresh annual archive pages for the most popular lakes, regions and topics.
January 1, 2022 marks the opening of a new 2022 Lake Winnibigoshish, Cutfoot Sioux and connected waters page for all fishing articles, reports and updates for the calendar year. Bookmark the new page .. 2022 Lake Winnie Archives or follow links below to research fishing reports and articles from past fishing seasons." — Jeff Sundin 218-245-9858 or EMAIL
We are bracing for a BUSY weekend at The Pines! Elsewhere around the lake, access via plowed roads is still a big question mark. But thanks to good ice conditions in Tamarack Bay, fluffy snow and good plow trucks, our roads are in great condition. The ice is good, with 18 inches being the most common measurement. We are currently allowing all pickup trucks towing manageable size ice fishing shelters out of our ramp. For folks with larger wheelhouses, like big tandem axle models, the landing at Tamarack Lodge is also available and open.
Anglers have been showing up steadily all day long, so expect to find robust traffic on the lake. But if history is any indication, fish should remain cooperative throughout the weekend.
So far this season, perch have been the most reliable species available during the daytime. Walleye action has been centered around early morning and late evening, but darker conditions resulting from the heavy snow cover could lead to an improved daytime bite. Panfish have been nomadic, but when you’re in the right place at the right time, can be cooperative too.
Walleye anglers are doing their best work using jigging spoons in water depths of 12 to 16 feet. You’ll find a mix of fish sizes, most ranging in size from 13 to 16 inches, but there are also a significant number of slot fish in the 19 to 22 inch range and to date, most anglers have also had the opportunity to harvest one over 23 inches, if they choose to do that.
Perch can be found in a variety of depths, but many have been shallower, being caught in water depths as shallow as 6 feet deep. Folks have also caught some nice crappies, sunfish and even some largemouth bass in the shallow water too. Look for them on top of the flats adjacent to the deeper weed patches.
Like walleyes, panfish have been most eager to bite during the low light periods. Use small blade baits and tungsten jigs tipped with wax worms, they will attract a wider variety of fish species.
Pike have been on again off again, when they move, action has been good and there are some nice size fish. A good approach for pike is to set tip ups rigged with lively minnows and move them frequently.
Often, our guests like to make side trips in Cutfoot Sioux, but as of today, that will be better accomplished using snowmobiles. A trip up to the landing at William’s Narrows Campground revealed an access road covered with deep snow. The photo shows a few ruts where folks have attempted to get out onto the lake, but so far, there have not been many people out there.
In past seasons, this much snow usually means that there will be slush on the ice, but we don’t know that yet. We’ll provide an update as soon as we can. — Chad & Melissa Mertz The Pines Resort 218-246-8546 or 1-800-342-1552